Daniel Ali's Fragmented Moments: Forever Memories explores the physical process of seeing in fragments. Daniel plays on the idea that photographs are in themselves fragmented traces of the ‘real’. Daniel captures, either himself or, someone else as they photograph a moment. These captured fragments then become part of his own visual narrative, a narrative that can be altogether different from the original moment.
Rhiannon King's won't take much weight-I'm about to disappear is an exploration of the human body and its relationship to the cultural and social, engaging themes of alienation and fragmentation. Rhiannon's photographic series seeks to elevate the human body as a structural frame of reference, to consider the distinctions between the past as a structure and it's present intimations.
The visuals are punctuated by an enduring glimpse of an event or stage in ones life, of which the surrounding circumstances are not entirely revealed. These occurrences inscribe themselves in the human body, shaping and pervading it. There is a discernible tension created by isolating a particular dramatic moment, and the artist leaves the viewer to interpret the situation being captured.